HYPALON has outstanding resistance to most chemicals; heat and oil are among the most important characteristics. Further, HYPALON is flame resistant, offers excellent color stability, weather and abrasion resistance. Low moisture absorption, good dielectric qualities, and high abrasion resistance are among its other features. Like most synthetics, HYPALON® is superior to NATURAL RUBBER in temperature, oil and resistance to the effect of ozone.
HYPALON was DuPont’s trade name for “CSM” Chlorosulfonated Polyethelene. DuPont stopped producing HYPALON “CSM” in 2010. CSM resin is still being produced by some chemical manufacturers. CSM has an operating temperature of -20 to 200°F.
HYPALON “CSM” can be molded into parts extruded in profiles or tubing or calendared into sheet goods.
HYPALON is generally attacked by concentrated oxidizing acids, esters, ketones, chlorinated, aromatic and nitro hydrocarbons.
Hypalon Chemical Designation: Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene